Computers have come a long way from a couple hundred vacuum tubes to thousands of transistors to Integrated circuits to microprocessors, which can contain up to a couple billion transistors. Today's computers are significantly more powerful than the first and will continue to be more powerful because of Moore's Law: "Every three years, four times as many transistors can be put on a chip."
Did you know a digital watch has more processing power than the computer America used to get to the moon. This shows one way how far we have come with technical development and research to continue making processors more powerful without using more energy. It is unbelievable to think where computers will be in 30 years.
The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telephone, the radio, and the computer set the stage for this unseen integration of capabilities. The Internet is a world-wide broadcasting tool, a way for information to be shared, and a way for people to interact with other people and their computers anywhere in the world.